Source code for textmate_grammar.utils.cache

from __future__ import annotations

import atexit
from pathlib import Path
from pickle import UnpicklingError
from typing import Protocol

from ..elements import ContentElement

CACHE_DIR = (Path() / ".textmate_cache").resolve()
CACHE_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

def _path_to_key(path: Path) -> str:
    return str(path.resolve())

[docs] class TextmateCache(Protocol): """Interface for a Textmate cache."""
[docs] def cache_valid(self, filepath: Path) -> bool: """ Check if the cache for the given filepath is valid. :param filepath: The path to the file. :return: True if the cache is valid, False otherwise. """ ...
[docs] def load(self, filepath: Path) -> ContentElement: """ Load the content from the specified filepath. :param filepath: The path to the file to load. :return: The loaded content element. """ ...
[docs] def save(self, filePath: Path, element: ContentElement) -> None: """ Save the given content element to the specified file path. :param filePath: The file path where the content element should be saved. :param element: The content element to be saved. :return: None """ ...
[docs] class SimpleCache(TextmateCache): """A simple cache implementation for storing content elements.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the SimpleCache.""" self._element_cache: dict[str, ContentElement] = dict() self._element_timestamp: dict[str, float] = dict()
[docs] def cache_valid(self, filepath: Path) -> bool: """Check if the cache is valid for the given filepath. :param filepath: The filepath to check. :return: True if the cache is valid, False otherwise. """ key = _path_to_key(filepath) if key not in self._element_cache: return False timestamp = filepath.resolve().stat().st_mtime return timestamp == self._element_timestamp[key]
[docs] def load(self, filepath: Path) -> ContentElement: """Load the content element from the cache for the given filepath. :param filepath: The filepath to load the content element from. :return: The loaded content element. """ key = _path_to_key(filepath) return self._element_cache[key]
[docs] def save(self, filepath: Path, element: ContentElement) -> None: """Save the content element to the cache for the given filepath. :param filepath: The filepath to save the content element to. :param element: The content element to save. :return: None """ key = _path_to_key(filepath) self._element_cache[key] = element self._element_timestamp[key] = filepath.resolve().stat().st_mtime
[docs] class ShelveCache(TextmateCache): """A cache implementation using the shelve module.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the ShelveCache.""" import shelve database_path = CACHE_DIR / "textmate.db" self._database = def exit(): self._database.sync() self._database.close() atexit.register(exit)
[docs] def cache_valid(self, filepath: Path) -> bool: """Check if the cache is valid for the given filepath. :param filepath: The filepath to check. :return: True if the cache is valid, False otherwise. """ key = _path_to_key(filepath) if key not in self._database: return False timestamp = filepath.resolve().stat().st_mtime try: valid = timestamp == self._database[key][0] except UnpicklingError: valid = False else: valid = False return valid
[docs] def load(self, filepath: Path) -> ContentElement: """Load the content element from the cache for the given filepath. :param filepath: The path for the cached content element. :return: The loaded content element. """ key = _path_to_key(filepath) return self._database[key][1]
[docs] def save(self, filepath: Path, element: ContentElement) -> None: """Save the content element to the cache for the given filepath. :param filepath: The filepath to save the content element to. :param element: The content element to save. """ element._dispatch(nested=True) key = _path_to_key(filepath) timestamp = filepath.resolve().stat().st_mtime self._database[key] = (timestamp, element)
CACHE: TextmateCache = SimpleCache()
[docs] def init_cache(type: str = "simple") -> TextmateCache: """ Initialize the cache based on the given type. :param type: The type of cache to initialize. Defaults to "simple". :return: The initialized cache object. """ global CACHE if type == "shelve": CACHE = ShelveCache() elif type == "simple": CACHE = SimpleCache() else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cache type {type} not implemented.") return CACHE