Getting started

Install the module with:

pip install textmate-grammar-python

Or, for development purposes, clone the repository and install locally with poetry, and setup pre-commit such that code is linted and formatted with Ruff and checked with mypy.

pip install poetry
git clone
cd textmate-grammar-python
poetry install
pre-commit install

For instructions on running the unit and regression tests see


Before tokenization is possible, a LanguageParser needs to be initialized using a loaded grammar.

from textmate_grammar.language import LanguageParser
from textmate_grammar.grammars import matlab
parser = LanguageParser(matlab.GRAMMAR)

After this, one can either choose to call parser.parsing_string to parse a input string directly, or call parser.parse_file with the path to the appropiate source file as the first argument, such as in the example

The parsed element object can be displayed directly by calling the print method. By default the element is printed as an element tree in a dictionary format.

>>> element = parser.parse_string("value = num2str(10);")
>>> element.print()

{'token': 'source.matlab',
 'children': [{'token': 'meta.assignment.variable.single.matlab', 
               'children': [{'token': 'variable.other.readwrite.matlab', 'content': 'value'}]},
              {'token': 'keyword.operator.assignment.matlab', 'content': '='},
              {'token': 'meta.function-call.parens.matlab',
               'begin': [{'token': '', 'content': 'num2str'},
                         {'token': 'punctuation.section.parens.begin.matlab', 'content': '('}],
               'end': [{'token': 'punctuation.section.parens.end.matlab', 'content': ')'}],
               'children': [{'token': 'constant.numeric.decimal.matlab', 'content': '10'}]},
              {'token': 'punctuation.terminator.semicolon.matlab', 'content': ';'}]}