Element operations

The parse_file and parse_string methods of the LanguageParser both return either None if the content could not be parsed, or a ContentElement or ContentBlockElement if parsing was successful.

classDiagram direction LR class ContentElement{ +token : str +grammar : dict +content : str +charaters : dict +children : list +find() +findall() +to_dict() +flatten() +print() } class ContentBlockElement{ +begin : list +end : list } ContentElement <|-- ContentBlockElement

Every matching is defined by its grammar and identifier token. The matching is available under content as string and under characters as a dictionary of single charaters, with the position in the source file as the dictionary keys.

Output standard types

As illustrated on the homepage, the print method prints the nested data structure in dictionary format on the command line. The dictionary output can also be requested through the to_dict method.

Alternatively, with the flatten method, a list of tuples is returned with every entry representing the unique tokenized elements from start to finish:

  • tuple of line number, position on line

  • string of the content

  • list of tokens

This representation is more akin to the output of vscode-textmate. The “flattened” output can be printed in the command line by the flatten keyword.

>>> element.print(flatten=True)

[[(0, 0), 'value', ['source.matlab', 'meta.assignment.variable.single.matlab', 'variable.other.readwrite.matlab']],
 [(0, 5), ' ', ['source.matlab']],
 [(0, 6), '=', ['source.matlab', 'keyword.operator.assignment.matlab']],
 [(0, 7), ' ', ['source.matlab']],
 [(0, 8), 'num2str', ['source.matlab', 'meta.function-call.parens.matlab', 'entity.name.function.matlab']],
 [(0, 15), '(', ['source.matlab', 'meta.function-call.parens.matlab', 'punctuation.section.parens.begin.matlab']],
 [(0, 16), '10', ['source.matlab', 'meta.function-call.parens.matlab', 'constant.numeric.decimal.matlab']],
 [(0, 18), ')', ['source.matlab', 'meta.function-call.parens.matlab', 'punctuation.section.parens.end.matlab']],
 [(0, 19), ';', ['source.matlab', 'punctuation.terminator.semicolon.matlab']]]

Accessing descendent elements

To find specific descendent elements, instead of indexing manually through the children (or begin and end) attribute, use the provided methods find, which yields the found descendent elements one by one, and findall, which returns all descendents as a list.

flowchart LR style root stroke-width:0,fill:#F94144 style ca stroke-width:0,fill:#577590 style cb stroke-width:0,fill:#F3722C style cc stroke-width:0,fill:#1372fC classDef gca stroke-width:0,fill:#43AA8B classDef gcb stroke-width:0,fill:#D65780 root[root] ca[child.a] cb[child.b] cc[child.c] gcaa["grandchild.a (a)"]:::gca gcab["grandchild.b (a)"]:::gcb gcba["grandchild.a (b)"]:::gca gcbb["grandchild.b (b)"]:::gcb gcca["grandchild.a (c)"]:::gca gccb["grandchild.b (c)"]:::gcb root ----|0| ca root ----|1| cb root ----|2| cc ca ----|0| gcaa ca ----|1| gcab cb ----|0| gcba cb ----|1| gcbb cc ----|0| gcca cc ----|1| gccb

For example, for an example element tree above, the table below shows the possible return values of findall on the root element with different criteria.




grandchild.a (a, b, c)

root.findall(tokens='grandchild.a', depth=1)

root.findall(tokens='grandchild.a', start_tokens='child.b')

grandchild.a (b,c)

root.findall(tokens='grandchild.a', stop_tokens='child.c')

grandchild.a (a,b)

root.findall(tokens=['child.a', 'child.b'])

child.a, child.b

root.findall(tokens='*', hide_tokens='child.c', depth=1)

child.a, child.b