Source code for textmate_grammar.parser

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import onigurumacffi as re

from .elements import Capture, ContentBlockElement, ContentElement
from .handler import POS, ContentHandler, Pattern
from .utils.exceptions import IncludedParserNotFound
from .utils.logger import LOGGER, track_depth

    from .parsers.base import LanguageParser

[docs] class GrammarParser(ABC): """The abstract grammar parser object"""
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize(grammar: dict, **kwargs): """ Initializes the parser based on the grammar. :param grammar: The grammar to initialize the parser with. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. :return: The initialized parser. """ if "include" in grammar: return grammar["include"] elif "match" in grammar: return MatchParser(grammar, **kwargs) elif "begin" in grammar and "end" in grammar: return BeginEndParser(grammar, **kwargs) elif "begin" in grammar and "while" in grammar: return BeginWhileParser(grammar, **kwargs) elif "patterns" in grammar: return PatternsParser(grammar, **kwargs) else: return TokenParser(grammar, **kwargs)
def __init__( self, grammar: dict, language_parser: LanguageParser | None = None, key: str = "", is_capture: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialize a Parser object. :param grammar: The grammar dictionary. :param language: The language parser object. Defaults to None. :param key: The key for the parser. Defaults to "". :param is_capture: Indicates if the parser is a capture. Defaults to False. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. :return: None """ self.grammar = grammar self.language_parser = language_parser self.key = key self.token = grammar.get("name", "") self.is_capture = is_capture self.initialized = False self.anchored = False @property def comment(self) -> str: return self.grammar.get("comment", "") @property def disabled(self) -> bool: return self.grammar.get("disabled", False) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:<{self.key}>" def _init_captures(self, grammar: dict, key: str = "captures", **kwargs) -> dict: """Initializes a captures dictionary""" captures = {} if key in grammar: for group_id, pattern in grammar[key].items(): captures[int(group_id)] = self.initialize( pattern, language_parser=self.language_parser, is_capture=True ) return captures def _find_include(self, key: str, **kwargs) -> GrammarParser: """Find the included grammars and during repository initialization""" if not self.language_parser: raise IncludedParserNotFound(key) if key in ["$self", "$base"]: # TODO there is a difference between these return self.language_parser elif key[0] == "#": return self.language_parser.repository.get(key[1:], None) else: return self.language_parser._find_include_scopes(key) @abstractmethod def _parse( self, handler: ContentHandler, starting: POS, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[bool, list[Capture | ContentElement], tuple[int, int] | None]: """The abstract method which all parsers much implement The ``_parse`` method is called by ``parse``, which will additionally parse any nested Capture elements. The ``_parse`` method should contain all the rules for the extended parser. :param handler: The content handler to handle the parsed elements. :param starting: The starting position of the parsing. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. :return: A tuple containing the parsing result, a list of parsed elements, and the ending position of the parsing. """ pass def _initialize_repository(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Initializes the repository's inclusions. When the grammar has patterns, this method should called to initialize its inclusions. This should occur after all sub patterns have been initialized. """ return
[docs] def parse( self, handler: ContentHandler, starting: POS = (0, 0), boundary: POS | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[bool, list[Capture | ContentElement], tuple[int, int] | None]: """ The method to parse a handler using the current grammar. :param handler: The ContentHandler object that will handle the parsed content. :param starting: The starting position for parsing. Defaults to (0, 0). :param boundary: The boundary position for parsing. Defaults to None. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that can be passed to the parser. :return: A tuple containing: - parsed: A boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful. - elements: A list of Capture or ContentElement objects representing the parsed content. - span: A tuple containing the starting and ending positions of the parsed content, or None if parsing failed. """ if not self.initialized and self.language_parser is not None: self.language_parser._initialize_repository() parsed, elements, span = self._parse(handler, starting, boundary=boundary, **kwargs) return parsed, elements, span
[docs] def match_and_capture( self, handler: ContentHandler, pattern: Pattern, starting: POS, boundary: POS, parsers: dict[int, GrammarParser] | None = None, parent_capture: Capture | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[tuple[POS, POS] | None, str, list[Capture | ContentElement]]: """Matches a pattern and its capture groups. Matches the pattern on the handler between the starting and boundary positions. If a pattern is matched, its capture groups are initialized as Capture objects. These are only parsed after the full handler has been parsed. This occurs in GrammarParser.parse when calling parse_captures. :param handler: The content handler to match the pattern on. :param pattern: The pattern to match. :param starting: The starting position for the match. :param boundary: The boundary position for the match. :param parsers: A dictionary of parsers. :param parent_capture: The parent capture object. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. :return: A tuple containing the span of the match, the matched string, and a list of capture objects or content elements. """ if parsers is None: parsers = {} matching, span =, starting=starting, boundary=boundary, **kwargs) if matching: if parsers: capture = Capture( handler, pattern, matching, parsers, starting, boundary, key=self.key, **kwargs, ) if parent_capture is not None and capture == parent_capture: return None, "", [] else: return span,, [capture] else: return span,, [] else: return None, "", []
[docs] class TokenParser(GrammarParser): """The parser for grammars for which only the token is provided.""" def __init__(self, grammar: dict, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(grammar, **kwargs) self.initialized = True def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:{self.token}" @track_depth def _parse( self, handler: ContentHandler, starting: POS, boundary: POS, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[bool, list[Capture | ContentElement], tuple[POS, POS] | None]: """The parse method for grammars for which only the token is provided. When no regex patterns are provided. The element is created between the initial and boundary positions. """ content = handler.read_pos(starting, boundary) elements: list[Capture | ContentElement] = [ ContentElement( token=self.token, grammar=self.grammar, content=content, characters=handler.chars(starting, boundary), ) ] handler.anchor = boundary[1] f"{self.__class__.__name__} found < {repr(content)} >", self, starting, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) return True, elements, (starting, boundary)
[docs] class MatchParser(GrammarParser): """The parser for grammars for which a match pattern is provided.""" def __init__(self, grammar: dict, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(grammar, **kwargs) self.exp_match = re.compile(grammar["match"]) self.parsers = self._init_captures(grammar, key="captures") if "\\G" in grammar["match"]: self.anchored = True def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.token: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:{self.token}" else: identifier = self.key if self.key else "_".join(self.comment.lower().split(" ")) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:<{identifier}>" def _initialize_repository(self, **kwargs) -> None: """When the grammar has patterns, this method should called to initialize its inclusions.""" self.initialized = True for key, value in self.parsers.items(): if not isinstance(value, GrammarParser): self.parsers[key] = self._find_include(value) for parser in self.parsers.values(): if not parser.initialized: parser._initialize_repository() @track_depth def _parse( self, handler: ContentHandler, starting: POS, boundary: POS, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[bool, list[Capture | ContentElement], tuple[POS, POS] | None]: """The parse method for grammars for which a match pattern is provided.""" span, content, captures = self.match_and_capture( handler, pattern=self.exp_match, starting=starting, boundary=boundary, parsers=self.parsers, **kwargs, ) if span is None: LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} no match", self, starting, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) return False, [], None f"{self.__class__.__name__} found < {repr(content)} >", self, starting, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) if self.token: elements: list[Capture | ContentElement] = [ ContentElement( token=self.token, grammar=self.grammar, content=content, characters=handler.chars(*span), children=captures, ) ] else: elements = captures return True, elements, span
[docs] class ParserHasPatterns(GrammarParser, ABC): def __init__(self, grammar: dict, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(grammar, **kwargs) self.patterns = [ self.initialize(pattern, language_parser=self.language_parser) for pattern in grammar.get("patterns", []) ] def _initialize_repository(self): """When the grammar has patterns, this method should called to initialize its inclusions.""" self.initialized = True self.patterns = [ parser if isinstance(parser, GrammarParser) else self._find_include(parser) for parser in self.patterns ] for parser in self.patterns: if not parser.initialized: parser._initialize_repository() # Copy patterns from included pattern parsers pattern_parsers = [parser for parser in self.patterns if isinstance(parser, PatternsParser)] for parser in pattern_parsers: parser_index = self.patterns.index(parser) self.patterns[parser_index : parser_index + 1] = parser.patterns # Injection grammars for exception_scopes, injection_pattern in self.language_parser.injections: if self.token: if self.token.split(".")[0] not in exception_scopes: self.patterns.append(injection_pattern) elif self.is_capture: self.patterns.append(injection_pattern)
[docs] class PatternsParser(ParserHasPatterns): """The parser for grammars for which several patterns are provided.""" @track_depth def _parse( self, handler: ContentHandler, starting: POS, boundary: POS | None = None, greedy: bool = False, find_one: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[bool, list[Capture | ContentElement], tuple[POS, POS]]: """The parse method for grammars for which a match pattern is provided.""" if boundary is None: boundary = (len(handler.lines) - 1, handler.line_lengths[-1]) parsed = False elements: list[Capture | ContentElement] = [] patterns = [parser for parser in self.patterns if not parser.disabled] current = (starting[0], starting[1]) while current < boundary: for parser in patterns: # Try to find patterns parsed, captures, span = parser._parse( handler, current, boundary=boundary, greedy=greedy, **kwargs, ) if parsed: if find_one: f"{self.__class__.__name__} found single element", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) return True, captures, span elements.extend(captures) current = span[1] break else: if find_one: break if not parsed and not greedy: # Try again if previously allowed no leading white space charaters, only when multple patterns are to be found options_span, options_elements = {}, {} for parser in patterns: parsed, captures, span = parser._parse( handler, current, boundary=boundary, greedy=True, **kwargs, ) if parsed: options_span[parser] = span options_elements[parser] = captures LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} found pattern choice", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) if options_span: parser = sorted( options_span, key=lambda parser: ( *options_span[parser][0], patterns.index(parser), ), )[0] current = options_span[parser][1] elements.extend(options_elements[parser]) f"{self.__class__.__name__} chosen pattern of {parser}", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) elif self != self.language_parser: break else: remainder = handler.read_line(current) if not remainder.isspace(): LOGGER.warning( f"{self.__class__.__name__} remainder of line not parsed: {remainder}", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) if current[0] + 1 <= len(handler.lines): current = (current[0] + 1, 0) else: LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} EOF encountered", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) break if current == starting: LOGGER.warning( f"{self.__class__.__name__} handler did not move after a search round", self, starting, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) break line_length = handler.line_lengths[current[0]] if current[1] in [line_length, line_length - 1]: try: empty_lines = next( i for i, v in enumerate(handler.line_lengths[current[0] + 1 :]) if v > 1 ) current = (current[0] + 1 + empty_lines, 0) except StopIteration: break if self.token: elements = [ ContentElement( token=self.token, grammar=self.grammar, content=handler.read_pos(starting, boundary), characters=handler.chars(starting, boundary), children=elements, ) ] return bool(elements), elements, (starting, current)
[docs] class BeginEndParser(ParserHasPatterns): """The parser for grammars for which a begin/end pattern is provided.""" def __init__(self, grammar: dict, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(grammar, **kwargs) if "contentName" in grammar: self.token = grammar["contentName"] self.between_content = True else: self.token = grammar.get("name") self.between_content = False self.apply_end_pattern_last = grammar.get("applyEndPatternLast", False) self.exp_begin = re.compile(grammar["begin"]) self.exp_end = re.compile(grammar["end"]) self.parsers_begin = self._init_captures(grammar, key="beginCaptures") self.parsers_end = self._init_captures(grammar, key="endCaptures") if "\\G" in grammar["begin"]: self.anchored = True def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.token: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:{self.token}" else: identifier = self.key if self.key else "_".join(self.comment.lower().split(" ")) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:<{identifier}>" def _initialize_repository(self, **kwargs) -> None: """When the grammar has patterns, this method should called to initialize its inclusions.""" self.initialized = True super()._initialize_repository() for key, value in self.parsers_end.items(): if not isinstance(value, GrammarParser): self.parsers_end[key] = self._find_include(value) for key, value in self.parsers_begin.items(): if not isinstance(value, GrammarParser): self.parsers_begin[key] = self._find_include(value) for parser in self.parsers_begin.values(): if not parser.initialized: parser._initialize_repository() for parser in self.parsers_end.values(): if not parser.initialized: parser._initialize_repository() @track_depth def _parse( self, handler: ContentHandler, starting: POS, boundary: POS, greedy: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[bool, list[Capture | ContentElement], tuple[POS, POS] | None]: """The parse method for grammars for which a begin/end pattern is provided.""" begin_span, _, begin_elements = self.match_and_capture( handler, self.exp_begin, starting, boundary=boundary, parsers=self.parsers_begin, greedy=greedy, **kwargs, ) if not begin_span: LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} no begin match", self, starting, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) return False, [], None f"{self.__class__.__name__} found begin", self, starting, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) # Get initial and boundary positions current = begin_span[1] if boundary is None: boundary = (len(handler.lines) - 1, handler.line_lengths[-1]) # Define loop parameters end_elements: list[Capture | ContentElement] = [] mid_elements: list[Capture | ContentElement] = [] patterns = [parser for parser in self.patterns if not parser.disabled] first_run = True while current <= boundary: parsed = False # Create boolean that is enabled when a parser is recursively called. In this its end pattern should # be applied last, otherwise the same span will be recognzed as the end pattern by the upper level parser apply_end_pattern_last = False # Try to find patterns first with no leading whitespace charaters allowed for parser in patterns: parsed, capture_elements, capture_span = parser._parse( handler, current, boundary=boundary, greedy=False, **kwargs ) if parsed: if parser == self: apply_end_pattern_last = True LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} found pattern (no ws)", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) break # Try to find the end pattern with no leading whitespace charaters allowed end_span, _, end_elements = self.match_and_capture( handler, self.exp_end, current, boundary=boundary, parsers=self.parsers_end, greedy=False, **kwargs, ) if not parsed and not end_span: # Try to find the patterns and end pattern allowing for leading whitespace charaters f"{self.__class__.__name__} getting all pattern options", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) options_span, options_elements = {}, {} for parser in patterns: parsed, capture_elements, capture_span = parser._parse( handler, current, boundary=boundary, greedy=True, **kwargs, ) if parsed: options_span[parser] = capture_span options_elements[parser] = capture_elements LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} found pattern choice", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) if options_span: parsed = True parser = sorted( options_span, key=lambda parser: ( *options_span[parser][0], patterns.index(parser), ), )[0] capture_span = options_span[parser] capture_elements = options_elements[parser] if parser == self: apply_end_pattern_last = True f"{self.__class__.__name__} chosen pattern of {parser}", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) end_span, end_content, end_elements = self.match_and_capture( handler, self.exp_end, current, boundary=boundary, parsers=self.parsers_end, greedy=True, **kwargs, ) if end_span: if parsed: # Check whether the capture pattern has the same closing positions as the end pattern capture_before_end = handler.prev(capture_span[1]) if, skip_newline=False) == "\n": # If capture pattern ends with \n, both left and right of \n is considered end pattern_at_end = end_span[1] in [ capture_before_end, capture_span[1], ] else: pattern_at_end = end_span[1] == capture_span[1] end_before_pattern = end_span[0] <= capture_span[0] empty_span_end = end_span[1] == end_span[0] if pattern_at_end and (end_before_pattern or empty_span_end): if empty_span_end: # Both found capture pattern and end pattern are accepted, break pattern search LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} capture+end: both accepted, break", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) mid_elements.extend(capture_elements) closing = end_span[0] if self.between_content else end_span[1] break elif not self.apply_end_pattern_last and not apply_end_pattern_last: # End pattern prioritized over capture pattern, break pattern search LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} capture+end: end prioritized, break", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) closing = end_span[0] if self.between_content else end_span[1] break else: # Capture pattern prioritized over end pattern, continue pattern search LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} capture+end: capture prioritized, continue", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) mid_elements.extend(capture_elements) current = capture_span[1] elif capture_span[0] < end_span[0]: # Capture pattern found before end pattern, continue pattern search LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} capture<end: leading capture, continue", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) mid_elements.extend(capture_elements) current = capture_span[1] else: # End pattern found before capture pattern, break pattern search LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} end<capture: leading end, break", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) closing = end_span[0] if self.between_content else end_span[1] break else: # No capture pattern found, accept end pattern and break pattern search LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} end: break", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) closing = end_span[0] if self.between_content else end_span[1] break else: # No end pattern found if parsed: # Append found capture pattern and find next starting position mid_elements.extend(capture_elements) if[1], skip_newline=False) == "\n": # Next character after capture pattern is newline LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} capture: next is newline, continue", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) end_span, _, _ = self.match_and_capture( handler, self.exp_end, capture_span[1], boundary=boundary, parsers=self.parsers_end, allow_leading_all=False, **kwargs, ) if end_span and end_span[1] <=[1]): # Potential end pattern can be found directly after the found capture pattern current = capture_span[1] else: # Skip the newline character in the next pattern search round current =[1]) else: LOGGER.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} capture: continue", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) current = capture_span[1] else: # No capture patterns nor end patterns found. Skip the current line. line = handler.read_line(current) if line and not line.isspace(): LOGGER.warning( f"No patterns found in line, skipping < {repr(line)} >", self, current, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) current =[0], handler.line_lengths[current[0]])) if apply_end_pattern_last: current = if first_run: # Skip all parsers that were anchored to the begin pattern after the first round patterns = [parser for parser in patterns if not parser.anchored] first_run = False else: # Did not break out of while loop, set closing to boundary closing = boundary end_span = ((0, 0), boundary) start = begin_span[1] if self.between_content else begin_span[0] content = handler.read_pos(start, closing) f"{self.__class__.__name__} found < {repr(content)} >", self, start, kwargs.get("depth", 0), ) # Construct output elements if self.token: elements: list[Capture | ContentElement] = [ ContentBlockElement( token=self.token, grammar=self.grammar, content=content, characters=handler.chars(start, closing), children=mid_elements, begin=begin_elements, end=end_elements, ) ] else: elements = begin_elements + mid_elements + end_elements return True, elements, (begin_span[0], end_span[1])
[docs] class BeginWhileParser(PatternsParser): """The parser for grammars for which a begin/end pattern is provided.""" def __init__(self, grammar: dict, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(grammar, **kwargs) if "contentName" in grammar: self.token = grammar["contentName"] self.between_content = True else: self.token = grammar.get("name") self.between_content = False self.exp_begin = re.compile(grammar["begin"]) self.exp_while = re.compile(grammar["while"]) self.parsers_begin = self._init_captures(grammar, key="beginCaptures") self.parsers_while = self._init_captures(grammar, key="whileCaptures") def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.token: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:{self.token}" else: identifier = self.key if self.key else "_".join(self.comment.lower().split(" ")) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:<{identifier}>" def _initialize_repository(self): """When the grammar has patterns, this method should called to initialize its inclusions.""" self.initialized = True super()._initialize_repository() for key, value in self.parsers_end.items(): if not isinstance(value, GrammarParser): self.parsers_end[key] = self._find_include(value) for key, value in self.parsers_while.items(): if not isinstance(value, GrammarParser): self.parsers_while[key] = self._find_include(value) for parser in self.parsers_begin.values(): if not parser.initialized: parser._initialize_repository() for parser in self.parsers_while.values(): if not parser.initialized: parser._initialize_repository() def _parse( self, handler: ContentHandler, starting: POS, **kwargs, ): """The parse method for grammars for which a begin/while pattern is provided.""" raise NotImplementedError